Teaching Old Dogs New Tricks or Grrr! I’m technology challenged!

Hello World!

Guess what I have been doing for the past two hours – yes, two hours! It is hard for old dogs to learn new tricks, but it is possible.  Old dogs just take longer to learn them.

That being said, I don’t like being technology challenged even if I am over 50, so what will happen is I will keep plugging away at it.  I may back off for a bit to calm down and regroup and then try again.  I may get mad and work until success is reached.  I may even get smart and ask for help and instruction, but I will overcome!

I’ve been trying to figure out how to optimize my blog. There are a couple of small successes, I think, but I don’t know for sure.  I need someone working from a different computer and location to let me know if what I think is working is actually working.  I think the Pinterest button will actually pin the home page of my blog, and I think I have an RSS feed working, though I don’t like the fact that I have to have at least one story shown below it.

If you happen along this post and want to try some of the buttons on the home page or at the bottom of this post (you have to click on the title of this post specifically to find the buttons at the bottom), please let me know what results you get.  If you can explain to me how to have an RSS feed button without having to show a post underneath, share away – PLEASE.

Thanks in advance!

Have a blessed and happy day!


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Filed under Personal Stories, Rants, Etc., Random

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